my mom was taking the food bowl out when she saw red squirming things. Her first reaction was one of utter SHOCK, because they looked like little worms to her, until she took a closer look...
UNFORTUNATELY, there's only two babies left. CHLOE ZOE (my hamster) must have eaten more than 3/4 of the litter. I'm just glad I didn't witness the murder.
Just that...we found a DEAD body (it was white by then, no blood circulation) with no head in the nest. EWW.
Hamster moms eat their babies once they smell other scents/or when they're hungry. Afraid that my scent might get onto the babies, I decided to not take any pictures. Here's one from the net:

yes they look EXACTLY LIKE THAT.
y'know, one of the babies fell out of its nest and my hamster put it in front of her mouth. Right then, I was reaaalllly scared she'd eat it up too, so I grabbed kaiying's arm and looked away.
Until I found out her intention was to bring it back to its nest (after a sound scolding, I suppose)
I even saw one of the little hams YAWN. btw, they're around the size of the first section of my index finger. Their diameter 0.2 cm, around there. Those tiny limbs (the thickness of toothpicks) kicking around and their tiny bodies moving back and forth makes you go totally AWWWW.
I wonder how its like to give birth to HUMAN babies. I think guys should be thankful they're just LOOKING at the baby instead of giving birth. OUCH my mummy must've screamed alot eh.
Right, did i say i TOTALLY did NOT expect this to happen. Due to Chloe and Cody's constant squeaking and fighting, I've already seperated them few weeks ago, so the thought of her being pregnant sounded pretty absurd to me...
The big stomach looked like it was just filled with fats/food and NOT babies.
Live well my little hamsters :D
BTW, ITS INCEST. CHLOE AND CODY ARE SIBLINGS, they're NOT MARRIED, they had sex and cody gave chloe babies. hurhur.
Welcome to the wonderful world of animals, where producing babies with your sibling = totally FINE. hahaha.
Kaiying, ashley and siyun came over to my house for lunch today.
80 + bucks.
my mom decided to treat us, (but i think we're gonna pay half the price, anyway)
watching harrypotter and the sorcerer's stone brings back great memories. It was actually one of the best harrypotter movies cause the later ones sucks shit okayz D:
siyun left at 5 while ky and ash stayed to play jenga ;D lets just say ashley has GREAT LUCK, because the thing keeps toppling on her.
highlight of the day? we searched "xiiaoLovves" on friendster and found a photo in this person's profile, saying:
what is that, you ask? LET ME TELL YOU. in twit language, its
i think ky got that HAHA. like seriously, read that again, its ROFL material k (Y)
Kaiying also became the RETRO QUEEN today, photos another day,
because my freeakkiing tuiiti0n teacherx h00rx, she suddenly add dhe tuiitii0n at 7:30 l0rrhxx. n0w iie g0rt n00 tymm tuu bl00g nnd d0 miiex w0rks lia00x.
k bathing time :D
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